How to draw a dog for children.
Dog Drawing for Kids - Step 1
Make an oval and start drawing your dog for the children's circle. This cartoon would be a dog's snout or snout. Draw another, smaller, elliptical into it to shape the nose. Make a round, wide "W" shape under the nose to form the mouth.
Dog Drawing for Kids - Step 2
Use large, small "U" shaped lines to create spots around the eyes. Use a curved line to close the curved shape at the top of each space. They represent the dog's eyebrows.
Dog Drawing for Kids - Step 3
Make a small oval inside a large oval inside each space. These are dog eyes.
Dog Drawing for Kids drawing - step 4
Pull the dog's ears, removing the old lines as needed. To get closer to the ear, draw a straight line at the top and a large "U" shaped line around the sides of the ear and below. Decorate this ear with a space in the middle.
Step 5 Dog Drawing for Kids
On the opposite side, outline the ear with a curved line. Use another curved line to draw the collar around the dog's neck.
Outline the dog's body with two long curved lines. One line should come from the front of the neck, the other from the back.